
Monday, October 18, 2010

S.O.S. Batman!

Friday night all three boys went to a football game giving me a whole hour to wander around Michaels and think about all the things I could make but probably won't.  H1 and Boy 2 came home at half-time because it was cold.  Boy 1 stayed at the game with friends.  I thought it might be a good night for a dip in the hot tub.  

Batman joined me.

Saturday was the usual, go for run, hang at the Farmer's Market.  I found this at the Market:

I like the shadowy picture.  It looks like spooky alien food, not just  boring old cauliflower. I made the kids try it then we went to basketball and Boy 2's birthday party.

Sunday was designated quiet day.  Boy 2 was having trouble with the concept so he got to have a timeout in his room until he was ready to try again.  Boy 1 and I did some paper quilling while we waited.  

Boy 1 was pretty pumped about that.

My first attempt at paper quilling was a flower garden. Boy 1 made me a pretty purple tulip and a moon for the flower garden. Cute, right?

Meanwhile, Boy 2 was expressing himself on the walls of his bedroom.

His printing is coming along nicely...

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