
Monday, November 22, 2010

Goodbye H1 or Rename the Husband Contest Part 2

For those of you that have been married for more than 7 years, you may know that it is unusual that your spouse does something completely unexpected.  After that many years, you usually know him or her well enough that there are few surprises.  This is not a bad thing; regardless, you may understand my excitement right now.  After 15 years of marriage, I caused my spouse to start making a new facial expression.  He started making a face I have never seen before. It all started with this post:  Rename the Husband Contest. First he read the post then made the face.  At first I thought it was a mad face, but he said no.  I thought maybe it was a puzzled face.  He said "What face?" Then he made the face again.  Every time I excitedly told him about a new suggestion, he made the face.

Anyway, I had lots of creative submissions and lots of laughs over the contest.   

And the winner is:  PHD...or maybe SMac.  

I spent a week going back and forth, trying each one out, asking H1 what he liked better.  He said he didn't care, really.  (What? Maybe I will stick with H1!) He made the new face equally at each suggestion so I finally decided both names are winners!  I will mostly call him PHD which stands for Plumber, Husband, Dad.  If he does something that displeases me I will call him SMac, sort of his initials but sounds like "smack".  Congratulations Michelle you obviously have a gift for naming Blog Husbands - you win twice!  You win the dubious honour of Naming the Blog Husband. Unless you want my broken iPod.  Let me know!  

Thanks for playing everyone!  My next contest will be "Name PHD's Facial Expression".  I just have to get a picture of it for you.  Stay tuned!

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